About Zenith Eco Coffins

Zenith Eco Coffins provide an environmental and affordable alternative to the fake wood, toxic coffins on the market.

Meet Fenella Probert, the founder of Zenith Eco Coffins. Fenella lives in the Far North of New Zealand on an organic property.

With the necessity to purchase a coffin for a family member, I discovered no suitable options, so embarked upon the search for ecological models.

I like the chunky bamboo in the Far North called Bambusa Oldhamii, with its rigid columns and dripping leaves. It evokes an oriental feel. Bamboo is a wonderfully versatile resource, with uses such as food, landscaping, construction and craft.”

Some of the best bamboo weavers are found in the rural villages of China. Lovely big handwoven body baskets skillfully made without modern technology. Research led to coffins made from Mao bamboo, native China, grown mainly in the south.

Willow, seagrass, and cardboard are also environmental choices.

The collection has been load tested to 300kg.

Discover our range of eco-friendly coffins.

Contact Fenella for more details.