Handcrafted Eco Coffins, Northland 

Increasingly, people in New Zealand are choosing to bid their loved ones farewell from this earth in ways that will not cause further damage.


Zenith Eco Coffins provide an environmental and affordable alternative to the fake wood, toxic coffins on the market.
Our beautiful biodegradable plant woven coffins are suitable for burial and cremation.

As mentioned in NZ Herald:

“Eco coffins provide an environmental and affordable alternative to the fake wood, toxic coffins on the market. Our beautiful, biodegradable plant woven coffins are suitable for burial and cremation.” 

“Things have really taken off the past few years as more and more people want this option — it’s about being eco-friendly. As people, we do enough damage to the planet and some want to make sure they do as little damage as possible when they die.”

“But it’s also a much-cheaper option. A wooden casket can cost several thousand dollars — and much more too — but mine cost (for a basic model) $400 for a cardboard one and $1100 for the others, so they are much cheaper.”

Read full article here 

Our Range

We sell coffins made from Bamboo, Willow, Seagrass, and Cardboard. Our caskets are strong and have load test certification from BRANZ for weight bearing capacity of 300kg.

Bamboo Coffins

Cardboard Coffins

Willow Coffins

Seagrass Coffins

About Us

Zenith Eco Coffins provide an environmental and affordable alternative to the fake wood, toxic coffins on the market.

Contact Us

Contact Fenella by phone 020 4130 8435, by email fprobert@gmail.com or using the form below.